
We partner with you to keep you on track towards these goals throughout your life. Professionally, I hold the CFP® and the ChFC® designations. To gain certification, a financial advisor must pass the CFP® Certification Examination and the CFP Board’s Fitness Standards for Candidates and Registrants, agree to abide by the CFP Board’s Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility and comply with the Financial Planning Practice Standards. What inspires me to work with individuals and businesses is that I have the heart of a teacher. My goal would to become your trusted financial advisor, the person to partner with you through all of your financial questions. All of our clients deserve personal attention from myself and my branch office administrator, Shari Trigo, when it comes to the services we provide. We work closely with your tax professional and attorney to ensure everyone is on the same page for your unique situation. Though most of our clients choose to meet with us in person, we also offer phone and web conference consultations. Our office is located in the beautiful mountain town of Tehachapi, CA. We serve clients from all over the United States.

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