BIGRAPATS TTEHACHAP/ CHRIST CAKES 'n THINGS mercur graphias TICKeTS avaiLable a DaHLIa'S, à BOUTIQUe THe DRessInG Room BLISS INTERIORS TeHaCHaPI VISITOR CenTeR 20 18 WALK THE BAD WINL THanksGIvING WeekenD, saTURDaY, novemBeR 24, 2018 6:00 TO 9:00 DownTown TeHacHaPI g Rain OR SHIne DReSS CoDe- THe UGLIER THe sweaTeR THe BeTTeR $40 PeR PeRson $45 on Day 0F evenT ticket is good for one Custon Printed Wise Glass,Ten lhon Tastes on, Wap&ccompanming appetizers. Wost be 21 this is an adult event) All vie mst be consumed or poured out vithin designated locations. Some vines aze nore popular, and may rn out erlier than others www.mainSTReeTTeHacHaPI.ORG