2000 MULES a film produced by Dinesh D'Souza Hitching Post Theater One Showing: Saturday August 27th 11 am Doors Open 10:30 am Ticket Donations: $15 Contact: (661) 489-1048 GTRA.CRA@gmail.com www.GTRACRA.com Event Paid for by the Greater Tehachapi Republican Assembly (GTRA) 2000 MULES a film produced by Dinesh D'Souza Hitching Post Theater One Showing : Saturday August 27th 11 am Doors Open 10:30 am Ticket Donations : $ 15 Contact : ( 661 ) 489-1048 GTRA.CRA@gmail.com www.GTRACRA.com Event Paid for by the Greater Tehachapi Republican Assembly ( GTRA )