Havea Heart Humane Society One At A Time! Thank you Tehachapi For your support and your votes! For your support and your votes! Come and see us at Rescued Treasures Re-Sale Store, which supports our spay & neuter clinics serving Tehachapi and surrounding county areas. We are proud to be nominated in two categories! TEMACHAP) 2019 BEST NEWS NEWS NEWS TEMACHAP TEHACHAP TEHACHL NEWS 2016 BEST FAVORITE ES 2018 2017 BEST FAVORITE FAVORITE EADERS CHOICM $2017 BEST FAVORITE READERS CHOICE POLL AEADERS CHOICCE POLL EADERS OHOICEP Best Animal Rescue 1121 W. Valley Blv Ste A . (661) 822-5683 f www.haveahearthumanesociety.org Havea Heart Humane Society One At A Time! Thank you Tehachapi For your support and your votes! For your support and your votes! Come and see us at Rescued Treasures Re-Sale Store, which supports our spay & neuter clinics serving Tehachapi and surrounding county areas. We are proud to be nominated in two categories! TEMACHAP) 2019 BEST NEWS NEWS NEWS TEMACHAP TEHACHAP TEHACHL NEWS 2016 BEST FAVORITE ES 2018 2017 BEST FAVORITE FAVORITE EADERS CHOICM $2017 BEST FAVORITE READERS CHOICE POLL AEADERS CHOICCE POLL EADERS OHOICEP Best Animal Rescue 1121 W. Valley Blv Ste A . (661) 822-5683 f www.haveahearthumanesociety.org