We are honored to be HACHAPI NEW Voted into the top 2020 winners by our BEST customers. We look forward to continuing to serve you and keep it local. FAVORITE READERS' CHOICE POLL 24 Hour Emergency Service Available For Commercial Vehicles Only mURPHYS DIESEL & AUTO REPAIR 24 Hour Emergency: 661-822-0758 661.917.4202 20577 South St, Tehachapi We are honored to be HACHAPI NEW Voted into the top 2020 winners by our BEST customers. We look forward to continuing to serve you and keep it local. FAVORITE READERS' CHOICE POLL 24 Hour Emergency Service Available For Commercial Vehicles Only mURPHYS DIESEL & AUTO REPAIR 24 Hour Emergency: 661-822-0758 661.917.4202 20577 South St, Tehachapi