Parenting the Love and Logic Way, Six sessions designed to help parents equip kids with character, compassion, problem solving and more! You will learn how to: . Stay calm when your kids do incredibly upsetting things. Help your kids learn from mistakes so they don't repeat them. Set enforceable limits. . Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators. . Avoid enabling and begin empowering. . Avoid un-winnable power-struggles. Facilitator: Deanna Downs This parenting program is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately! Date: Tuesday, October 23 through December 4 (Six sessions/1x a week) Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Location: 20705 South St. Tehachapi, 93561 $90 per person $150 per couple (materials included) Cost: Phone: 661-859-8698 Email: Please register me for your upcoming Parenting and the Love and Logic Way class! Name Address City Phone State Zip Circle One: Check/Cash (enclosed) Credit Card (accepted@ first class) Parenting the Love Mail registration and Payment to: Deanna Downs and Logic Way. 785 Tucker Rd, Ste G #186 Tehachapi, Ca 93561