Having our own crematory means care that's complete. Don't make the mistake of choosing a cremation provider by price alone. Not all own their own crematory (it makes a huge difference in control, quality and care). Not all offer a full range of memorial options that give families more ways to honor and remember their loved ones. At Wood, crema- tion isn't about "ashes to ashes," but about heart to heart. Wood Family FUNERAL SERVICE (661) 822-6897 woodmortuary.net California License FD#: 1405 CR#277 Having our own crematory means care that's complete . Don't make the mistake of choosing a cremation provider by price alone . Not all own their own crematory ( it makes a huge difference in control , quality and care ) . Not all offer a full range of memorial options that give families more ways to honor and remember their loved ones . At Wood , crema tion isn't about " ashes to ashes , " but about heart to heart . Wood Family FUNERAL SERVICE ( 661 ) 822-6897 woodmortuary.net California License FD # : 1405 CR # 277