Dr. S NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Irene Sanchez-Esparza, MD BFMC/HPN Oak Tree Medical Group welcomes Irene Sanchez-Esparza, MD to our growing practice. Dr. Sanchez-Esparza begins accepting patients November 28. Call today for more information or to make an appointment! blue of california Accepting new patients with the following health plans: aetna Anthem Bufrom welcare healthnet Humana United Healthcare BFMC/HPN Oak Tree Medical Group BFMC/HPN 20960 Sage Lane, Tehachapi, CA 93561 Open M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (661) 823-2273 | bfmc.com Dr. S NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Irene Sanchez - Esparza , MD BFMC / HPN Oak Tree Medical Group welcomes Irene Sanchez - Esparza , MD to our growing practice . Dr. Sanchez - Esparza begins accepting patients November 28. Call today for more information or to make an appointment ! blue of california Accepting new patients with the following health plans : aetna Anthem Bufrom welcare healthnet Humana United Healthcare BFMC / HPN Oak Tree Medical Group BFMC / HPN 20960 Sage Lane , Tehachapi , CA 93561 Open M - F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ( 661 ) 823-2273 | bfmc.com